Individual, Couples & Sex Therapy in Jerusalem & Central Israel
The goal in my practice is to help my clients feel more comfortable in addressing their sexuality and to be able to achieve the utmost in intimacy, warmth and connection through their sexuality.
Originally from Montreal, Canada, and coming from a background of studies, both religious (5 years of Yeshiva study) and academic (Masters in Clinical Social Work), I specialized in family therapy while working as a clinical social worker in the Montreal Jewish community. At the same time, I taught family dynamics and marital intimacy at a local college and decided to make that my career focus. I moved to Israel and became a certified couples and sex therapist, after completing the comprehensive Sex and Marital Therapy program at Bar Ilan University.
I believe that Judaism promotes a healthy and positive outlook on sexuality. I strive to help couples and individuals attain this positive outlook by encouraging open lines of communication and providing appropriate sex education. I help clients work through much of the guilt which, unfortunately, is often associated with exploring one's sexuality. All too often, young married couples come to my clinics in Givat Shmuel, Jerusalem and Bnei Berak with problems due to a lack of appropriate information. They may have issues that are clearly the byproduct of seeing sexuality as negative or "unclean".
I currently work with clients from all over Israel who are looking to enrich their marital relationships or improve their sex lives. Having worked for the last five years in clinical organizations that are sensitive to the specific therapeutic needs of the ultra-Orthodox and Modern Orthodox communities, I work with clients in my private practice from across the religious spectrum.
I look forward to meeting you and helping you start your journey towards more fulfilling relationships.
Simcha Dov